Clearwater Casino Resort

Clearwater Casino Resort There are times when you need to know when to get out of the way and let the product speak for itself. That is clearly the case at Clearwater Casino Resort. An amazing waterfront property, with both Northwest and contemporary guest rooms, casual to fine dining, nightclub to headline entertainment, championship golf […]


The challenge: to lift sales at multiple locations while maintaining a unified identity as Hertz Car Sales. The solution: Create individual market approaches, with unique creative and media targeting. Maintain the Hertz Car Sales brand umbrella for added strength and notoriety. Whiteboard Spot Digital Ads

7 Clans Waterpark

7 Clans Waterpark Opening a casino waterpark in a place where it had never been done before required a little different approach. Battling construction delays and uncertainty around opening we needed to start the buzz, without having a final product to share. First, we teased ‘em with swimming and generic waterpark imaging. We invited them […]

Michael’s Automotive Group

How do you make an auto dealership a part of their customer’s lives? At Apex Media, we built more than just a campaign for The Michael’s Auto Group. It was a new way of thinking about the role vehicles play in the day to day lives of their customers. No matter who they are or […]